الثلاثاء، 29 يونيو 2010

فى فن الثراء

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

هل تريد ان تكون غنيا , هل تريد ان تملك القوة لتخدم نفسك وعائلتك ودينك ؟

هل تريد ان تشعر بقيمة الحياة عندما تساعد الاخرين ماليا ؟

يقول احد علماء التنمية البشرية وهى براين ترايسى فى كتابة غير تفكيرك تتغير حياتك (ان اكبر خدمة
ة تقدمها للفقراء بأن  تقرر ان لا تكون واحدا منهم )

الاسلام والثراء

وقد سبق الاسلام هؤلاء العلماء الغربييين فى رجالاتة وفى مقولاتهم حيث لا ننسى ان من دعاء اتلرسول انة كان يقول (اللهم انى اعوذ بك من الفقر والكفر ) وكان سيدنا على بن طالب يقول (لو ان الفقر ر جلا لقتلتة )

وقال الله تعالى فى كتابة (لينفق ذو سعة من سعتة ) وفى اية اخر (وَلَا يَأْتَلِ أُولُو الْفَضْلِ مِنْكُمْ وَالسَّعَةِ أَنْ يُؤْتُوا أُولِي الْقُرْبَى وَالْمَسَاكِينَ وَالْمُهَاجِرِينَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ )

ولو امعنا النظر فى الاسلام لوجدنا العديد والعديد من الايات والاحاديث التى ترغبنا فى ان نكون اثرياء بما يحقق لنا من الحسنات والرضا من الله
ويكفينا ما قالة رسول الله صلى الله علية وسلم : "إنك إن تدع ورثتك أغنياء خير من أن تدعهم يتكففون الناس". وقال صلى الله علية وسلم فى الحديث الماتع (المؤمن القوى خير واحب الى الله من المؤمن الضعيف )

اذن بعد كل هذة الادلة هل نحتاج الى دليل اخر يزيد من قناعتنا باهمية طلب الثراء بما يرضى الله ورسولة وبما لا يتعارض مع الواجبات الشرعية

فى قادم الحلقات سوف نتناول مع بعض الخطوط العريضة لتحقيق الثراء


كل هذة الادلة تدل على ان طلب الثراء فى حد ذاتة ليس شيئا مذموما فى الاسلام

الجمعة، 11 يونيو 2010

الفوائد العشر لغض البصر

السلام عليكم

الفوائد العشرة ... لمن غض بصره

1) امتثال لأمر الله الذي هو غاية سعادة العبد في معاشه ومعاده ، وليس للعبد في دنياه وآخرته أنفع من امتثال أوامر ربه تبارك وتعالى ، وما سعد من سعد في الدنيا والآخرة إلا بامتثال أوامره ، وما شقي من شقي في الدنيا والآخرة إلا بتضييع أوامره .

2) يمنع من وصول أثر السهم المسموم الذي لعل فيه هلاكه إلى قلبه .

3) أنه يورث القلب أنسا بالله وجمعية على الله ، فإن إطلاق البصر يفرق القلب ويشتته ، ويبعده من الله ، وليس على العبد شيء أضر من إطلاق البصر فإنه يوقع الوحشة بين العبد وبين ربه .

4) يقوي القلب ويفرحه ، كما أن إطلاق البصر يضعفه ويحزنه .

5) أنه يكسب القلب نورا كما أن إطلاقه يكسبه ظلمة ، ولهذا ذكر الله آية النور عقيب الأمر بغض البصر ، فقال : ( قل للمؤمنين يغضوا من أبصارهم ويحفظوا فروجهم ) ، ثم قال اثر ذلك : ( الله نور السماوات والأرض ، مثل نوره كمشكاة فيها مصباح ) ، أي مثل نوره في قلب عبده المؤمن الذي امتثل أوامره واجتنب نواهيه ، وإذا استنار القلب أقبلت وفود الخيرات إليه من كل جانب ، كما أنه إذا أظلم أقبلت سحائب البلاء والشر عليه من كل مكان ، فما شئت من بدعة وضلالة واتباع هوى ، واجتناب هدى ، وإعراض عن أسباب السعادة واشتغال بأسباب الشقاوة ، فإن ذلك إنما يكشفه له النور الذي في القلب ، فإذا فقد ذلك النور بقي صاحبه كالأعمى الذي يجوس في حنادس الظلام .

6) أنه يورث الفراسة الصادقة التي يميز بها بين المحق والمبطل ، والصادق والكاذب ، وكان شاه بن شجاع الكرماني يقول : من عمر ظاهره باتباع السنة وباطنه بدوام المراقبة ، وغض بصره عن المحارم ، وكف نفسه عن الشهوات ، واعتاد أكل الحلال لم تخطئ له فراسة ؛ وكان شجاع هذا لا تخطئ له فراسة .

7) أنه يورث القلب ثباتا وشجاعة وقوة ، ويجمع الله له بين سلطان البصيرة والحجة وسلطان القدرة والقور ، كما في الأثر : " الذي يخالف هواه يفر الشيطان من ظله " ، وضد هذا تجده في المتبع هواه من ذل النفس ووضاعتها ومهانتها وخستها وحقارتها ، وما جعل الله سبحانه فيمن عصاه ، كما قال الحسن : " إنهم وإن طقطقت بهم البغال وهملجت بهم البراذين ، فإن ذل المعصية لا يفارق رقابهم ، أبى الله إلا أن يذل من عصاه " ، وقد جعل الله سبحانه العز قرين طاعته والذل قرين معصيته ، فقال تعالى : ( ولله العزة ولرسوله وللمؤمنين ) ، وقال تعالى : ( ولا تهنوا ولا تحزنوا وأنتم الأعلون إن كنتم مؤمنين ) ، والإيمان قول وعمل ، ظاهر وباطن ، وقال تعالى : ( من كان يريد العزة فلله العزة جميعا ، إليه يصعد الكلم الطيب والعمل الصالح يرفعه ) ، أي من كان يريد العزة فليطلبها بطاعة الله وذكره من الكلم الطيب والعمل الصالح ، وفي دعاء القنوت : " إنه لا يذل من واليت ولا يعز من عاديت " ، ومن أطاع الله فقد والاه فيما أطاعه، وله من العز سب طاعته ، ومن عصاه فقد عاداه فيما عصاه فيه ، وعليه من الذل بحسب معصيته .

8) أنه يسد على الشيطان مدخله من القلب ، فإنه يدخل مع النظرة وينفذ معها إلى القلب أسرع من نفوذ الهواء في المكان الخالي ، فيمثل له صورة المنظور غليه ويزينها ، ويجعلها صنما يعكف عليه القلب ، ثم يعده ويمنيه ويوقد على القلب نار الشهوة ، ويلقي عليه حطب المعاصي التي لم يكن يتوصل إليها بدون تلك الصورة ، فيصير القلب في اللهب ، فمن ذلك تلد الأنفاس التي يجد فيها وهج النار ، وتلك الزفرات والحرقات ، فإن القلب قد أحاطت به النيران من كل جانب ، فهو وسطها كالشاة في وسط التنور ، ولهذا كانت عقوبة أصحاب الشهوات بالصور المحرمة : أن جعل لهم في البرزخ تنوراُ من نار ، وأودعت أرواحهم فيه إلى حشر أجسادهم ، أراها الله نبيه -صلى الله عليه وسلم- في المنام في الحديث المتفق على صحته .

9) أنه يفرغ القلب للتفكر في مصالحه والاشتغال بها ، وإطلاق البصر يشتت عليه ذلك ويحول بينه وبينها فتنفرط عليه أموره ويقع في اتباع هواه وفي الغفلة عن ذكر ربه ، قال تعالى : ( ولا تطع من أغفلنا قلبه عن ذكرنا واتبع هواه وكان أمره فرطا ) ، وإطلاق النظر يوجب هذه الأمور الثلاثة بحسبه .

10) أن بين العين والقلب منفذا أو طريقا يوجب اشتغال أحدهما بما يشغل به الآخر ، يصلح بصلاحه ويفسد بفساده ، فإذا فسد القلب فسد النظر ، وإذا فسد النظر فسد القلب ، وكذلك في جانب الصلاح ، فإذا خربت العين وفسدت خرب القلب وفسد ، وصار كالمزبلة التي هي محل النجاسات والقاذورات والأوساخ ، فلا يصلح لسكنى معرفة الله ومحبته والإنابة إليه ، والأنس به ، والسرور بقربه ، وإنما يسكن فيه أضداد ذلك

Muslim Woman's Role as a Mother

  1. MUSLIM woman's main role is
  2. to care for her house and fulfill the responsibility placed on her shoulder by her Lord. This does not mean to oppose woman's work; rather, the stress is on the fact that the main work of a woman is to work in her house. Her product is her children. It is a valuable work indeed.

    Apart from her role as a wife, the Muslim woman has a very important role as a mother. The statusemphasizes this in Surah Al-Israa' 17:23-24 and Surah Luqman 31:14.
    and value attached to parents in the Muslim World is very high. The Qur'an

    It is reported that a man came to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and asked : "Messenger of Allah, who is the most deserving of good care from me?" The Prophet replied: "Your mother (which he repeated three times)" then your father, then your nearest relatives in order".

    The Muslim mother has consequently a great feeling of security about the type of care and consideration she can expect from her children when she reaches old age. As the verse of the Qur'an quoted above indicates, thankfulness to parents is linked with thankfulness to Allah, and a failure in either of these respects is indeed a major failure in one's religious duties. In both the Qur'an and Hadith, the principles of strong belief and good conduct are highly stressed, and good conduct begins at home with one's closest relatives.

    Listen to the best Teacher and Guide for humanity, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as he elevated women from their status as chattel to the dignity of being equal servants of Allah with men. Yet, their status in society was not conditioned upon entering man's world. Their most important task is to take care of their homes and children. The Prophet (peace be upon him) says in this regard, addressing women : "Take care of your home for that is your Jihad." (Musnad Ahmad). Jihad is the epitome of Islamic life. Declaring homemaking as Jihad for women is giving it the highest possible status in an Islamic society.

    Not only is it an all-important task, only women are uniquely qualified to do it. It is not by accident that pregnancy and nursing are purely feminine tasks. Allah has given women the special talents and psychological makeup needed to take care of children. There is no substitute for mother's milk or mother's love. No one can extract a bottle of motherly compassion. Her patience, kindness, willingness to sacrifice her own comforts, and her natural affinity for children — and the children's natural affinity for the mother — are the key to successful upbringing of children. A mother understands the children's problem even when they cannot express it. She can uniquely sense their needs, both physical and emotional. She can satisfy some of these herself. For others, children need the father. But even he needs her insights in discharging his responsibilities in this area. No day-care center or nursery can make up for the absence of the mother and father.

    Mothers are the silent workers who are indispensable for building character of the next generation. A believing mother who understands the crucial nature of her responsibility will imbue her children with faith and moral values, as much as she can. She will raise children with courage, honesty, truthfulness, patience and perseverance, love and kindness, faith and self-confidence. On the other hand, a society without mothers and homemakers will produce at-risk youth.

    This role of a woman is like that of the archers in the battle of Uhud. It looked less important, but was the key to the fate of the entire army. If women hold on to their front, the entire army will succeed. If they leave it for "greater action" elsewhere, everyone will lose.

الثلاثاء، 1 يونيو 2010

Imam Al Bukhari

"The most authentic book after the Holy Qur'an." This is the conclusion that every learned religious Scholar came to. No matter how great these Scholars were, they were forced to unanimously agree that 'Sahih Al-Bukhari' is the most authentic work in Hadith literature ever compiled.
We seem to have heard a lot about the magnificence of this compilation, but how much do we really know about the person who actually compiled this book? How much do we know about the man who had spent endless years traveling to many lands in search of people who had picked up the gems that had fallen from the lips of the Noble Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) so that he may gather these precious gems and present them to the world in the form of 'Sahih Al-Bukhari.'

Imam al-Bukhari is one of the most eminent of those pious people who have gave endless bliss upon the Muslim Nation of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). This is made manifest in the book of Ahadith an-Nabawi that Imam Al Bukhari has compiled, commonly known as Sahih al-Bukhari. It is universally acknowledged as the most authentic book after the Holy Qur'an. So long as there is one Muslim left on the Earth, the blessings of Imam Bukhari will have a place in his or her Iman and Islam. Let us briefly examine below a short survey of his life and works

His early years

Imam al-muhaddithin Hadrat Imam Abu `Abdullah Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari was born on the 13th of the Islamic month of Shawwal, 194AH, in the famous city of Bukhara, of the land "beyond the canal" - present day Uzbekistan -. The father of Imam Bukhari, Isma`il ibn Ibrahim ibn Mughirah al-Ja`fi, was a great muhaddith and ascetic from whom he inherited his characteristics of literary zeal and excellence. During his childhood his father died and his mother took on the entire responsibility of bringing him up.
Imam Bukhari became blind at a young age. He had recourse to many famous and skilled doctors of his time but their treatments made no difference. His mother was a pious worshipper and a righteous woman. She cried out for help in the court of Allah the Almighty, for her child and begged for the restoration of his eyesight. At last, "the river of mercy flowed over her," and Almighty Allah accepted her invocation. One night, she visited Ibrahim `alayhis-salim in a dream and was told, "Allah has restored the sight of your son because of your intense and beautiful invocations." In the morning, as Imam Bukhari got up from his bed, glimmers of light

reached out into his eyes.

Primary Education and Interest in Hadith

When Imam Bukhari reached the age of ten and after acquiring his elementary education, Almighty Allah inserted the interest in the science of Ahadith into his heart and he obtained admission in the Hadith class of Bukhara. He obtained his educations after vigorous study. A year later, he had such a good retention of the text and chains of transmission of Ahadith, that sometimes teachers got their corrections from him. Imam Bukhari had been acquiring religious education with competence and swiftness and at the tender age of sixteen, he had completely learnt by heart the books of `Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak, al-Waki` and other learned companions

of al-Imam Abu Hanifa (may Allah be pleased with him

The Visit to the Haramayn and the Commencement of His Ahadith Compilation

At the age of eighteen, He visited Mekkah accompanied by his mother and elder brother, Ahmad ibn Isma`il. After performing the pilgrimage, his brother returned with the company of his mother, but Imam Bukhari stayed there for further education. Meanwhile, he wrote a book called, Qadaya as-Sahabah wat-Tabi`in. After this he went to Madinah al-munawwarah to compile the famous book of Asma` ar-rijal (Names of men of transmission) called, Tarikh al-kabir, while sitting by the tomb of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) during moonlight hours. Immediately after completing this, a series of imitations had begun. Mohammad ibn Yusaf al-Furyabi said that at the time he had copied Tarikh al-kabir, Imam Bukhara did not yet have any facial hair.

Imam Bukhari traveled to cities far and wide for the transmission of Ahadith and had gained immense knowledge while sitting far from his own country for several years. He stated himself, "To seek knowledge, I traveled to Egypt and Syria twice, Basra four times, spent six years at the Hijaz and left for Kufa and Baghdad on so many occasions accompanied by Muhaddithin."

His Remarkable Memory

Imam Bukhari was a man with a very strong memory. When we look at his memory, it is as if his body from head to toe stored it. Seeing his memory, the memory of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased) is rekindled in the hearts of Muslims. Hashid ibn Isma`il states that in his childhood: "Imam Bukhari used to go with us to the Scholars of Basra to listen to Ahadith. All of us used to write Ahadith down, except Imam Bukhari. After sixteen days, we thought about it and we condemned Imam Bukhari saying that, 'you had wasted so many days work by not writing down Ahadith.' Imam Bukhari asked us to bring our notes to him. So we all brought our notes, upon which Imam Bukhari began to read Ahadith one by one from the top of his head until he narrated to us more than fifteen thousand! Hearing these, it seemed that Imam Bukhari was reteaching us all of the Ahadith we had noted."

Muhammad ibn Azhar Sajistani says: "I used to go to Sulayman ibn Harab accompanied by Imam Bukhari for listening to Ahadith. I used to write the Ahadith, but Imam Bukhari wouldn't. Someone said to me, 'Why doesn't Imam Bukhari note the Ahadith down?' I told him, 'if you missed any Hadith in writing, you could obtain it from the memory of Imam Bukhari."

Imam Bukhari's memory could be understood by knowing that if he glanced through a book, it would be committed to memory instantly. In his early period of acquiring knowledge, he memorized seventy thousand Ahadith and later in his life, this figure reached three hundred thousand. Of these, one hundred thousand were sahih (rigorously authenticated) and two hundred thousand were not sahih (hasan, da`if, etc). Once he went to Balkh and the inhabitants asked him to recite one Hadith from each of his sheikhs. Then he orated from one thousand Sheikhs one thousand Ahadith.

Sulayman ibn Mujahid says about Iman Bukhari: "One day I was present in the company of Muhammad ibn Salam Baykandi. Muhammad ibn Salam said, 'If you had come earlier, I would have shown you the child who has seventy thousand Ahadith in his memory.' Sulayman stood up from his company and started looking for Imam Bukhari. Shortly he found him and asked, 'Are you the one who has committed seventy thousand Ahadith to memory?' Imam Bukhari replied, 'I have learnt more Ahadith than this by heart. I even know the place of birth, death and residence of most of those companions from whom the Ahadith are narrated."

His Extraordinary Intellect

Along with his extraordinary memory, he also had an outstanding fascinating intellect. He did not depend on pen and paper as much as he relied on his sharp memory. People examined the extraordinary capabilities of Imam Bukhari in the science of Hadith repeatedly but he always remained successful as a result of Allah's gift of intelligence and superb memory

Hafiz Ahmad ibn `Adi said about Imam Bukhari: "When the people of Baghdad had learnt that Imam Bukhari was due to arrive there, the Muhaddithin of Baghdad decided to test him by changing the text and chains of transmission of one hundred Ahadith. They joined the chain of one Hadith with the text of another and attached the chain of this Hadith with the text of the prior. Like this, they mixed up the text and chains of transmission of one hundred Ahadith and gave these to people who would test Imam Bukhari with these.
"When Imam Bukhari arrived at Baghdad, the people held a gathering in his honour, in which most of the scholars, nobles and public were present. One person stood up according to the plan and asked a question regarding a Hadith with its altered chain of transmission. Upon this, a second person stood up and recited in similar manner. Like this, the people completed the hundred Ahadith and awaited Imam Bukhari's reply. He said that he had not apprehended those Ahadith. When he saw that everyone had asked the questions he need, he stood up and started describing the chain of transmission of the first Hadith that was read and then gave its correct chain. Like this, he traced the faulty chains on the Ahadith of all one hundred set up by the scholars. He had given the correct chains of transmission to every Hadith. When he finished, the entire audience was full of praise and recognition of the superiority and greatness of Imam Bukhari."


Glimpses of his private life

. Self sufficiency

Imam Bukhari's father, Muhaddith Isma`il ibn Ibrahim was very rich and Imam Bukhari had inherited a huge share of his wealth. He used to give his wealth on the basis of silent partnership ( e.g. if a person is in possession of a shop, the profits are shared equally, but only one partner does all the work). Abu Sa`id Bakr ibn Munir narrated: "Once Abu Hafs sent some goods to Imam Bukhari and when traders learnt of this, they came to him and offered five thousand dirhams. He asked them to come in the evening. A second group of traders came and offered ten thousand dirhams, but he told them, 'I have already made an agreement with someone else. I do

not want to change my intention for the sake of ten thousand dirhams."

. Simplicity and humbleness:

Imam Bukhari was a simple and hard working person. He used to look after his own needs. Despite being a wealthy and honorable man, he always kept a little number of servants and never indulged himself in this matter. Muhammad ibn Hatim Warraq, who was one of his main disciples, narrated: "Imam Bukhari was establishing an inn near the city of Bukhara and as he was placing the bricks with his own hands, I came forward and asked him to leave laying the bricks for this building to me.' But he refused; saying: 'On the day of judgement, this act will be of benefit to me

Warraq goes on to say: "When we accompanied Imam Bukhari on a journey, he would gather us in one room and stay in another room alone. Once I saw Imam Bukhari get up between fifteen and twenty times during the night and every time, he lit the lamp. He took some Ahadith out, marked them and then placed his head on his pillow and laid on his couch. I said to him, 'Why did you go through all this trouble during the night, you could have woke me up to help you.' He said: 'You are young and in need to get sufficient amount of sleep and I did not want to disturb your sleep."

. Generosity

Just as he was generous with this wealth, he was also generous with his heart and emotions. Sometimes, he would give three thousand dirhams as a donation in one day. Warraq says that Imam Bukhari's earnings were five hundred dirhams per month and he would spend all of it on his students.

.( His abstention (Zuhd

Imam Bukhari used to stay away from all worldly desires and temptations. In his quest for knowledge, he used to spend his time eating dried grass (hay). Usually he would eat only two or three almonds in a whole day. Once he became ill and the doctors told him, "Your intestines have become dry because you have been eating dried leaves." It was at that moment that Imam Bukhari told the doctor that he had been eating dried leaves for forty years and during this span of time he never even touched any kind of curry.

. Fear of Allah

He was blessed with the highest rank of piety and righteousness. He feared Allah in everything he did. He kept himself away from backbiting and suspicion and always respected people's rights.

Imam Bukhari was so vigilant in his worship, that he would pray Sunnah and keep fasts in abundance. He would read the whole Qur'an on each day in the month of Ramadan and also recited ten chapters of the Holy Qur'an late at the night. He would complete the Holy Qur'an in the Tarawih prayers and always reciting twenty verses in each rak`a. He was very polite, tolerant and gentle. He never got angry when mistreated by others and prayed forgiveness for those who attributed evil to him. If he needed to correct any person, he would never embarrass him in public

His Arrival in Nishapur and the issue of the creation of the Qur'an

In 250 AH, Imam Bukhari went to Nishapur. After hearing this news, joy and happiness spread among its people. In those times, Muhammad ibn Yahya adh-Dhuhli was the head of the literary kingdom of Nishapur. He advised and led the inhabitants of the city to gather together to welcome Imam Bukhari. A large amount of people went to the outskirts of the city to welcome Imam Bukhari, with extreme magnificence and honour. Imam Muslim ibn Hajjaj says that in all his life, he had never seen such a reception ever given to a scholar or even a ruler.

Imam Bukhari started giving lectures on Hadith in Nishapur. In each session, a huge crowd always packed the area to listen and many included people who had arrived specifically to learn about Hadith. However, some unpleasant people were envious about the reputation and popularity of Imam Bukhari. These people set up Muhammad ibn Yahya adh-Dhuhli to become his opponent. In this incident, Muhammad ibn Yahya considered the *pronunciation* of the Qur'an as eternal..." and "Imam Bukhari said, 'Our actions are created and the pronunciation is one our actions.'".

Once, a man came to Imam Bukhari and asked him whether the Qur'an was created (makhluq) or not created (ghayr makhluq). Imam Bukhari paused for a while. The man insisted on getting a reply, so Imam Bukhari told him: "The Qur'an are the words of Allah and they are not created (ghayr makhluq)." The asked some more questions about the words of the Qur'an, upon which Imam Bukhari said, "Our actions are created and the pronunciation is one our actions.

After this, mass propaganda was stirred against Imam Bukhari, which led to accusations that he believed the words of the Qur'an to be created. When Dhuhli heard these rumours, he disconnected his ties with Imam Bukhari and became his enemy. He started warning people by announcing that they should not attend the lectures of Imam Bukhari. As a result, people refrained from attending the Imam's lectures, except Muslim ibn Hajjaj. At last, due to his disappointment, Imam Bukhari left the city of Nishapur and returned to Bukhara.

Banishment from his homeland

When the people of Bukhara heard that Imam Bukhari was coming back to his homeland, they were extremely happy and erected tents many miles outside the city to welcome him. They greeted him with splendour for his return. He established a school there where he spent a great deal of time teaching with satisfaction.
Even here, there were envious people who never stopped disturbing him. They met the governor of Bukhara, who was a representative of the Khilafat `Abasiyya, Khalid ibn Ahmad. They told him to call Imam Bukhari to his house and make him as busy as possible with teaching his son. When told Imam Bukhari about this suggestion, he was told, "I do not want to abuse knowledge and carry it to the footstep of the rulers. If anybody wants to learn, they should join my school." The governor said:" If my son was to attend your school, he should not sit with ordinary people. You would have to teach him separately." Imam Bukhari answered: "I cannot stop any person from hearing Ahadith." Upon hearing this, the governor of Bukhara got mad at him and got a fatwa (verdict) from the time wasting opportunist (ibn al-waqt) `Ulama against Imam Bukhari to banish him from the city.

Imam Bukhari was majorly upset at the thought of being banished from his homeland. Not even a month passed, before the Khalaf of Baghdad dismissed the governor of Bukhara, Khalid ibn Ahmad adh-Dhuhli. The governor was expelled from his palace in extreme disgrace and dishonour, being mounted on a she-ass and then thrown into prison, where he died after few days.

Writings and Other Compilations

Imam Bukhari wrote many kitaabs besides Bukhari Shareef (Al Jamius Sahih).
Hereunder are some books written by Imam Bukhari
Al Aadaabul Mufrad
Juz - Raf-e-Yadain
Juz - Qiraat-Kalful-Imam
At-Taareekh-Al Kabeer - Al Awsat-As Sageer
Kitabul Ashribah
Kitabul Hibah
Kitabul Ilal
Kitabul Wuhdaan
Af'aalul Ibaad

His passing

After returning from Bukhara, Imam Bukhari decided to go to Samarqand. He was still many miles from the city, when he heard that the people there had two views about him. So he decided to stay at a village called "Kharteng". There, he made the following invocation one night after the late-night prayer, saying: "O Allah, the Earth despite its grandeur is becoming narrow and is troubling me greatly. So take me back to You." After this invocation, he became ill. Meanwhile, the people of Samarqand sent a messenger to bring him there. Bukhari got up and was ready to travel, but his strength gave way. He began to invoke Allah at length, then he took to his bed and his soul passed away to his Lord - may Allah have mercy on him. An indescribable amount of perspiration came out of him even after he consigned his life to the Creator of life. When this abated, he was shrouded. He died on the night of `Id al-Fitr, the first night of Shawwal in the year 256 AH, at the age of 62 years.

Imam Bukhari devoted his entire life, in the search for the way of life given by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), in acting upon his sayings and researching into this science. His each and every action was a fragment of the way of the Messenger

Imam Bukhari was not only a scholar, worshipper, a devotee and a prosperous man, but he always feared Allah and shone with the love of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). The knowledge he gave to the world during his life is still being given today and as the Muslim Nation goes about its daily acts of worship, they realize how important the role played by Imam Bukhari was. He used to spread the Ahadith of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) everywhere he goes and Allah spread his status to every corner of the world.

The Etiquettes of Sleeping

In the name of Allah, the Most-Merciful, the All-Compassionate

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu

. Sleep in a state of taharah (purity).

Ibn Abbas reported that Allaah's Messenger said: “Purify these bodies and Allaah will purify you, for there is no slave who goes to sleep in a state of purity but an Angel spends the night with him, and every time he turns over, [the Angel] says, 'O Allah! Forgive Your slave, for he went to bed in a state of purity.'” [Reported by at-Tabaranee. See Saheeh al-Jamee (3831)]

. Sleep early.

Sleeping early is a healthy habit and it was the practice of Allaahs Messenger to sleep directly after performing the Isha prayer. Abu Barzah al-Aslami said that the Prophet used to prefer to delay Isha, and he did not like to sleep before it or talk after it.”
[Saheeh al-Bukharee]

. Choose a suitable bed.

Excessive luxurious or soft bed provokes laziness and makes one sleep more and become negligent. Aaishah narrates that the pillow of the Prophet on which he slept at night was made of leather stuffed with palm fibers.” [Abu Dawood and Musnad Ahmad. Saheeh al-Jamee (4714)]

4. Clean the bed and lie on the right side.

Abu Hurayrah reported: The Prophet said: “When any one of you goes to bed, let him clear his bed by hitting it with his garment, for he does not know what may have come onto it. Then let

him lie down on his right side…” [Saheeh al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslim

5. Reciting the Adhkaar (supplications) mentioned in the

Sunnah before sleeping.

There are a number of Adhkaar prescribed in the Sunnah before going to bed, amongst them are reciting the last verses of Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 285 and Verse 286], reciting Surah Al-Falaq, Surah An-Nas and Surah Al-Ikhlas , blow in the palms and wipe as much of the body possible, starting from the head, face and then the front of the body doing it three times. [Saheeh al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslim]

Ali Ibn Abi Talib reported that when the Prophet's daughter, Fatima came to him and asked him for a servant, he said to her and Ali: “Shall I not teach you something that will be better for you than a servant? When you go to bed, say 'SubhanAllah' thirty-three times, 'Al-hamdulillah' thirty-three times, and 'Allahu Akbar' thirty-four times. This is better for you than a servant.”
[Saheeh al-Bukharee and Saheeh Muslim]

Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah: the tortured scholar

One day, his father and his family asked him to join them on a picnic but he suddenly disappeared, so they had to go out without him. When they came back at the end of the day, they blamed him for not going out with them. He said, pointing to a book in his hand: "You did not benefit anything from your trip, whereas I memorized all this book in your absence

He was known for his physiognomy, sharp memory and wittedness which amazed the people of Damascus and made them admire him more and more. Though he was young, his fame reached the neighbouring territories. Once, one of the scholars of Halab visited Damascus. The scholars and dignitaries of the city went to welcome him. He told them: "I heard in other territories of a boy who is quick in memorizing everything. I came here to see him."

They led the man to the small school where the boy used to go to memorize the Quran. The Halabi scholar sat for a while until the boy passed with a big board in his hand. The scholar called him, so he went to him.

The scholar took the board from him and said to him: "Sit here son, and I’ll relate to you some Prophetic narrations to write." He dictated for him some, then he asked him to read them.

The boy started reading from the board. Then the Shaykh said to him: "Let me hear it from you." He then started recounting the narrations from his memory exactly like he was reading them from the board. The scholar told him: "Erase this, son." He cited more of the Prophet’s narrations and asked him to repeat them. The boy did the same again; he read it from the board and then from his memory. The scholar stood up saying: "Should this boy live long, he will have a great position [become a great scholar]. We’ve never seen anyone like him before."

This boy was later to be the tortured scholar, Ahmad Ibn Taymiyyah who acquired his knowledge from the best scholars of his time. He studied the Hanbali school and no one surpassed him in it. He also studied the main books of the Prophet’s narrations and tradition such as the authentic narrations reported by Al-Bukhaari, Muslim and others.

Ibn Taymiyyah was a devoted person who very much observed the acts of worship. He never let anything distract him from worshipping Allaah. He used to spend his night alone, imploring his Lord, continuously reciting the Quran and performing prayers, mentioning and invoking Allaah, and observing the optional late night prayer.

Ibn Taymiyyah wrote a large number of books; he wrote more than three hundred books. He had a vast knowledge and wrote many classificatory books and literary works. He used to write up to four notebooks a day. One day, he managed to write the “Ar-Resaalah Al-Hamawiyyah” (The Hamawi Treatise) which is made up of seventy medium sized pages. He wrote it between the time of Thuhr and 'Asr prayers. He wrote all his books during the seven years he spent in prison, except the book of Al-Eemaan, (The Faith) which he wrote in Egypt.

Despite his poverty, he never accepted any donation from a king or prince. He didn’t save any money for himself; neither had he saved any furniture nor food.

Ibn Taymiyyah was famous for his courage, valour, and brave initiatives. Whenever he went out for Jihaad (fighting in the Cause of Allaah) with the Muslims, he used to be in the front line, encouraging the warriors and arousing their determination and enthusiasm. He took part in conquest of 'Akkah and showed much bravery that proved his strong faith and love for participating in Jihaad.

When Qazaan, a Tartar king, took a number of Muslims as captives, Ibn Taymiyyah went to him, rebuked him for this act and requested him to set the Muslim captives free and the king did.

Ibn Taymiyyah had a difficult life full of continuous trials, calamities, and tests. No sooner did one calamity end than a new one emerged. As soon as he is released from one prison, he is again locked up in another.

Towards the end of his life, some people plotted against him because of his opinion about prohibiting people from visiting the graves of the Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention, and righteous people. So they spread a rumor among the people that he belittled the Prophets, may Allaah exalt their mention. Accordingly, the judges of the four schools of Egypt ordered that he be imprisoned. So he was locked up in Damascus citadel.

In that citadel, Allaah inspired him with the understanding of many meanings of the Quran and the basics of knowledge that many scholars would have wished to have.

During his captivity in the citadel, he used to say: “If I gave as much gold as that which would fill this citadel, I wouldn’t have been grateful enough for this grace of being imprisoned.”

When he was reminded of the people who had hurt and caused his imprisonment, he said: “I can never reward them for the good they brought to me.

”Ibn Taymiyyah remained in jail in that citadel for about two years till he died in 728 A.H. At the time of his funeral prayer in the mosque, the soldiers surrounded the funeral to protect it from the overwhelming crowds. The number of people kept increasing till they filled up all the alleys, streets and markets. May Allaah have mercy on this great scholar.Source islamweb